In our fast paced world, emergencies can happen at any time and being equipped with the knowledge of first aid can be the difference between life and death.
First aid training is not just a tick in the box, it's about stepping forward when the worst happens and helping someone and ultimately saving lives.
It's a life skill that empowers individuals to act confidently and affectively in critical situations.
In this blog we will explore the importance of first aid training and why investing your time in acquiring these skills is invaluable.
Immediate response saves lives
Every second counts when it comes to accidents or medical emergencies.
First aid training equips you with the ability to provide immediate assistance until the healthcare professionals arrive. Whether it's performing CPR, dealing with fractures or a severe bleed, your fast response can significantly improve the chances of a positive outcome.
Quick first aid treatment can prevent minor injuries escalating into major situations. That's why during the Covid pandemic, we were able to still deliver courses. The idea was first aiders could deal with minor situations, taking pressure off the NHS at a critical time.
For example applying cold running water to a burn will prevent the injury from worsening, reduce or eliminate scarring to the area.
First aid training builds a culture of safety not just in the workplace but it extends into the home and community. That's what so good about first aid training, it's not limited to the office it can quite literally be used anywhere.
I always say to people if you get the chance to complete a first aid course, do it. As it's one of those skills you learn in life that can save a life.
When more people in the workplace are trained in first aid, the overall safety awareness increases which creates an environment where everyone is prepared to respond to emergencies.
First aid training isn't limited to healthcare professionals, it's a skill everyone, regardless of age, occupation or gender should learn.
That's why we go into schools and deliver basic life saving skills to primary aged children.
I've previously mentioned, first aid training isn't just a skill or a tick in the box, it's a responsibility we owe to not just ourselves or workplace but to our family and community.
I often go into workplaces where an accident has happened where someone has become injured and no one knew what to do....because the first aider on shift, was the casualty. Having enough first aiders at work is so important to ensure when the worst does happen there's a trained team who can deal with the situation.
You shouldn't wait for an emergency to happen before you realise the importance of first aid....start your training today so you can start saving lives tomorrow.